- grandMA3 User Manual
- Introduction
- About the manual
- Symbols used in the manual
- System requirements grandMA3 onPC
- Installation of grandMA3 onPC
- Device Overview
- grandMA3 console
- grandMA3 replay unit
- grandMA3 processing units
- grandMA3 onPC command wing
- Screen Allocation
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Keys
- . [Dot]
- <<< [GoFastBackward] | Black
- >>> [GoFastForward] | Flash
- - [Minus]
- + [Plus]
- / [Slash] | * [Asterisk/Multiply]
- At
- Assign
- Align
- Blind
- Clear
- Channel
- Copy
- Cue
- Down
- Delete
- Esc
- Edit
- Freeze
- Full
- Fixture
- Group
- Goto
- Go+ [large]
- Go- [large]
- Go+ | Temp
- Go- | Top
- Help
- Highlt [Highlight]
- If
- Learn | Rate1
- List
- MA
- Menu
- Move
- Next
- Numeric keys | arrows
- Oops
- On
- Off
- Pause [large]
- Pause | Fix
- Page+
- Page-
- Please
- Power
- Preset
- Prvw [Preview]
- Prev [Previous]
- Select
- SelFix [SelectFixture]
- Sequ [Sequence]
- Set
- Solo
- Stomp
- Store
- Thru
- Time
- Up
- Update
- U1
- U2
- X1 | Clone
- X2 | Link
- X3 | Grid
- X4 | Layout
- X5 | Step
- X6 | TC
- X7 | View
- X8 | DMX
- X9
- X10
- X11
- X12
- X13 | Phaser
- X14 | Macro
- X15 | Page
- X16 | Exec
- XKeys
- Control elements
- Dual encoders
- Level wheel
- Grand master
- Executor elements
- Custom section
- Master section
- System Overview
- Standalone device
- Locally networked devices
- World server
- Parameters
- Calculate parameters
- Expand the amount of parameters
- First Steps
- Unpack the device
- Check scope of delivery
- Position the device
- Connect power
- Connect desk light
- Connect external screens
- Connect USB mouse and USB keyboard
- Connect DMX
- Connect Audio In
- Connect SMPTE (LTC)
- Connect Ethernet
- Connect DC Remote In
- Connect grandMA3 extension
- Turn on the console the first time
- Show File Management
- Workspace
- User interface
- Configuration of Displays
- Desk lock
- User-defined area
- Command line
- Control bar
- View buttons
- Grand master
- Tables in general
- Gestures
- Command section
- Master controls
- Playback controls
- Allocation of displays
- Encoder bar
- Feature group control bar
- Encoder toolbar
- Calculator
- Colors
- System
- Markers
- Color theme
- Icons
- User interface
- Command Syntax and Keywords
- General syntax rules
- Object keywords
- Function keywords
- Helping keywords
- All keywords
- / [Slash]
- . [Dot]
- .. [DotDot]
- = [Equal]
- <<< [GoFastBackward]
- >>> [GoFastForward]
- - [Minus]
- * [Asterisk]
- % [Percent]
- + [Plus]
- Absolute
- Acceleration
- Action
- ActivationGroup
- Align
- AlignTransition
- Appearance
- Assign
- At
- Attribute
- Black
- Blind
- Block
- Camera
- Call
- ChangeDestination
- Channel
- ChannelSet
- Chat
- Clear
- ClearActive
- ClearAll
- ClearSelection
- Clone
- CmdDelay
- ColorTheme
- ColorThemeLibrary
- Configuration
- Console
- Copy
- Cue
- CueDelay
- CueFade
- CueInDelay
- CueInFade
- CueOutDelay
- CueOutFade
- CurrentUser
- CurrentUserProfile
- Cut
- DataPool
- Deceleration
- Decimal8
- Decimal24
- Default
- Delay
- Delete
- DelGlobalVar
- DelUserVar
- Dismiss
- Display
- DMXAddress
- DMXReadout
- DMXUniverse
- Down
- Drive
- Echo
- Edit
- EditOption
- Eject
- Effect
- EndIf
- Exchange
- Executor
- Export
- Extract
- Extension
- Fade
- FaderMaster
- FaderRate
- FaderSpeed
- FaderTemp
- FaderX
- FeatureGroup
- Filter
- Fix
- Fixture
- FixtureType
- FixtureTypeLibrary
- Flip
- Flash
- Fog
- Font
- Freeze
- Full
- GDTFLibrary
- Gel
- GetGlobalVar
- GetUserVar
- Global
- Go+
- Go-
- Goto
- Grid
- Group
- Help
- Hex8
- Hex24
- Highlight
- Houselights
- Hz
- If
- IfOutput
- Image
- Import
- Index
- Insert
- Integrate
- Interface
- Invert
- Invite
- IP
- Join
- Keyboard
- KeyboardShortcuts
- Knockin
- Label
- Language
- Layout
- LearnRate
- LearnSpeed
- Leave
- Library
- List
- ListOwner
- ListRef
- Load
- Loaded
- LoadShow
- Lock
- Login
- Logout
- Lowlight
- Lua
- Macro
- MacroLibrary
- Master
- Media
- Menu
- MenuLibrary
- Move
- MyRunningMacro
- MyRunningSequence
- NewShow
- Next
- Node
- NonDim
- Normal
- Off
- On
- OnPC
- Oops
- Page
- Part
- Park
- Paste
- Patch
- Pause
- Percent
- PercentFine
- Phase
- Physical
- Plugin
- PluginLibrary
- Preset
- Press
- Previous
- Programmer
- Property
- PU
- Pyro
- Rate1
- Readout
- Reboot
- Recast
- Relative
- Release
- ReloadPlugins
- ReloadUI
- Remote
- RemoteCommand
- Remove
- Reset
- Restart
- Root
- RTChannel
- RunningMacro
- RunningSequence
- SaveShow
- ScreenConfig
- ScreenContent
- Scribble
- Seconds
- Select
- Selection
- SelFix
- Sequence
- SendOSC
- Set
- SetGlobalVar
- SetUserVar
- Shutdown
- SnapDelay
- SoundChannel
- Solo
- SpecialExec
- Speed
- Speed1
- Stage
- Station
- Step
- StepCreator
- StepRecipe
- Stomp
- Store
- Temp
- Thru
- Timecode
- Toggle
- Top
- Transition
- Unblock
- Unlock
- Unpark
- Unpress
- Up
- Update
- User1
- User2
- User
- UserProfile
- Version
- View
- ViewButton
- Width
- World
- Zero
- General syntax rules
- Windows, Views, and Menus
- Add windows
- Rearrange
- Store and recall views
- Remove windows from a screen
- Window settings
- Menus
- Change menu locations
- Pool windows
- Create pool object
- Label pool objects
- Move pool objects
- Insert pool objects
- Copy pool objects
- Lock and unlock pool objects
- Delete pool objects
- Networking
- Interfaces and IP
- Session
- Create a session
- Leave a session
- Invite to a session
- Dismiss from session
- Create a custom key
- Web remote
- DMX In and Out
- DMX port configuration
- Ethernet DMX
- Art-Net menu
- sACN menu
- Single User and Multi User Systems
- Create User
- User settings
- Patch and Fixture Setup
- What are fixtures
- Add fixtures to the show
- Live patch
- DMX sheet
- DMX universes
- Remove fixtures from the show
- Position fixtures in the 3D space
- 3D Window
- Camera Pool
- Stages
- Classes and Layers
- Attribute definitions
- Activation group
- Feature group
- Operate Fixtures
- What is the programmer
- Fixture sheet
- Using the color picker
- Selection bar
- Align
- Selection Grid
- Smart view
- Scribbles
- Create scribbles
- Edit scribbles
- Assign scribbles
- Delete scribbles
- Images
- Screenshots
- Appearance
- Create appearances
- Use appearances
- Delete appearances
- Groups
- Create groups
- Edit groups
- Delete groups
- Group masters
- Presets
- Preset pools
- Create presets
- Assign input filter
- Edit presets
- Update presets
- Preset pool settings
- Embedded presets
- Store values of multi steps
- Delete presets
- Worlds and Filters
- At filter
- Create a world
- Create a filter
- Use a world or filter
- Delete a world
- Delete a filter
- MAtricks
- Cues and Sequences
- What is tracking
- Look at cues and sequences
- Sequence settings
- Store cues
- Update cues
- Store options and preferences
- Play back cues
- Cue timing
- Renumber cues
- Executors
- Assign object to an executor
- Executor configurations
- Running playbacks
- Masters
- Selected masters
- Grand masters
- Time Control
- Speed masters
- Playback masters
- Phasers
- Step bar
- Phaser editor
- Create sinus dimmer phaser
- Create circle phaser
- Create circle phaser around position
- Create color rainbow phaser
- Step creator
- Macros
- Create macros
- Edit macros
- Assign macros to keys and buttons
- Timecode
- Record a timecode show
- Edit a timecode show
- Timecode settings
- Toggle view mode
- What are timecode slots
- Layouts
- Create a layout
- Layout pool settings
- Edit layout
- Layout view settings
- Edit layout view
- Edit layout elements
- Plugins
- What is Lua
- Data Pools
- System
- Date and time
- Clock
- System information
- Update the Software
- Update grandMA3 consoles
- Update grandMA3 xport nodes
- Fixture Types
- Import fixture types
- Import GDTF
- Build fixture types
- Insert fixture types
- Insert DMX modes
- Insert geometries
- Insert models
- Link models to geometries
- Link DMX modes to geometries
- Export fixture types
- Export GDTF
- Import fixture types
- Introduction
- grandMA3 Quick Manual consoles
- grandMA3 Quick Manual processing
- grandMA3 Quick Manual nodes
- grandMA3 Quick Manual DIN-Rail
- grandMA3 Quick Manual onPC solutions
- Release Notes
New help version
The help version you selected belongs to an older software version. You may want to view the latest help version.
Data Pools
Table of contents of this topic
All the different show data (except the patch, color theme, and timecode slots) are stored in different pools. They actually all exist inside a data pool object.
A new show file creates a default data pool. All other pool objects are actually inside this data pool object.
New data pool objects can be created giving a completely new set of pools.
This can be very useful if several shows or acts use the same patch or for instance, each song in a big catalog of a band can be en their own data pool.
These are the elements in the data pools:
- Worlds
- Filters
- Preset Pools
- Groups
- Sequences
- Plugins
- Macros
- Step Recipes
- MAtricks
- Configurations (executor configuration)
- Pages
- Layouts
- Timecodes
Data Pool Window
The best way to see the different data pools is in the Data Pool window. This can be created like any other window - learn how in the Add Windows topic.
The pool can be used to select the desired object by tapping it. Any of the different data pool operations mentioned below can be done using the appropriate keyword in combination with the pool window. But it can also be done using the command line and the DataPool keyword.
The data pools can also be found in Menu / Settings / User Configuration / Pools. This is a list form of the data pools.
Create a New Data Pool Object
Data pools need to be stored in order to be created.
- Press Store and then tapping an empty pool object.
- Press Store MA + Preset + Preset object number Please.
- Open the swipey commands on an empty pool object and choose Store.
- Using the command line: Store DataPool [number/name]
Performing an "edit" command on an empty pool object also creates the data pool object.
Copy a Data Pool Object
A data pool can be copied. This makes a copy of all the elements in the data pool. The copies a not linked. Making a change in one of the copies after the copy action does not change the other copy.
- Press Copy and then tapping the source pool object and then an empty pool object.
- Press Copy MA + Preset + Preset source object number At destination object number Please.
- Open the swipey commands on the source pool object and choose Copy then tap an empty pool object.
- Using the command line: Copy DataPool [number/name] At [number/name]
Objects inside a data pool can be copied from one pool to another using the normal Copy and Paste commands.
Edit a Data Pool Object
Editing a data pool object opens an editor with a structured list of the elements in the data pool. Unfolding the elements in the list shows the settings for the elements.
This is a deep look into the structure of the data.
Changing a setting here changes the setting for the object.
Edit a pool object using one of there options:
- Press Edit and then tap the desired pool object.
- Press Edit MA + Preset + Preset object number Please.
- Open the swipey commands on the pool object and choose Edit.
- Using the command line: Edit DataPool [number/name].
Reference Data Pool Objects From a Different Data Pool
A data pool element that exists inside a data pool can be used by other data pools.
For instance, image a repertoire theater. All default elements are stored in the data pool one. Including a sequence that controls the house lights. Tonight's show is programmed in data pool two. The sequence can be copied from data pool one, but if changes are made to the sequence later, then it would need to be copied again into the second data pool. Instead, the original sequence can be assigned to an executor in data pool two.
The image of the edit menu above shows that the structure in the data pool is numbered. So sequence 2 in this data pool is data pool object 1.5.2. The first number is the data pool number. The second number specifies that it is a sequence. The third number specifies that it is sequence number 1. If this element needs to be assigned somewhere, then it is the data pool object that needs to be assigned.
Data pool 1 has sequence 2. This needs to be used in data pool 2 on (page 1) executor 201.
Make sure data pool 2 is the selected pool.
The example can be achieved using the command line: Assign DataPool 1.5.2 At Page 1.201.
Now the sequence in data pool 1 can be controlled from the executor in data pool 2.
Some menus give access to select the data pool. For instance, in the Assign Menu when using the GUI to select an object for an executor. In the title bar of the menus, there is a button called DataPool that can toggle between the different data pools.
Delete a Data Pool Object
Deleting a data pool object also deletes everything inside the data pool!
Unlocked data pools can be deleted using any of the following methods:
- Press Delete and then tapping the pool object.
- Press Delete MA + Preset + Preset object number Please.
- Open the swipey commands on the relevant pool object and choose Delete.
- Using the command line: Delete DataPool [number/name]