• grandMA2 User Manual
  • grandMA3 Mode2
    • Mode2
    • Screen layout
      • Screen 1
      • Screen 2
      • Screen 3
      • External screens
      • Command screens
      • Letterbox screens
    • grandMA3 xPort nodes
    • grandMA3 Settings
  • grandMA2 Quick Start Guide
  • grandMA2 Quick Manual onPC solutions
  • MA 3D
  • MA VPU
  • Release Notes
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Version 3.5

Letterbox Screens


Screen 8 (Letterbox Encoder Screen)

All letterbox screens are static and are only located on grandMA3 consoles. 

Screen 8 or letterbox encoder screen is located below screen 1 and functions as its extension. 

Screen layout of screen 8
  1. Network – displays the devices that are currently in a session at a glance.
  2. Encoder Bar – displays the preset control bar and the encoder toolbar. 
  3. Time Control – displays program time and exec time. 
  4. Grand Master – is displayed as a virtual fader.
  5. B.O. – executes the Blackout keyword. 

Screen 9 (Right Letterbox Executor Screen)

Screen 9 or right letterbox executor screen is located below screen 2 and functions as its extension.

Screen layout of screen 9


  1. Executors on screen – screen 9 displays executors 16 to 30. 
  2. Master Section – is displayed on the right of the screen 9. 

Screen 10 (Left Letterbox Executor Screen)

Screen 10 or left letterbox executor screen is located below screen 3 and functions as its extension.

Screen layout of screen 10
  1. Executors on screen – screen 10 displays executors 1 to 15. 
  2. Time Control – controls Program Time and Exec Time. 
On a grandMA3 full-size it is also possible to operate the Time Control in Mode2 using the Custom Section


  • grandMA3 full-size, full-size CRV, light, light CRV 

Program Time:

  1. To operate the on-screen fader of the Program Time, move Wheel 1. 
  2. To activate Manual X-Fade, press Wheel 1 Upper Button. 
  3. To activate Set Time, press Wheel 1 Lower Button.

Exec Time:

  1. To operate the on-screen fader of the Exec Time, move Wheel 2. 
  2. To activate Manual X-Fade, press Wheel 2 Upper Button
  3. To activate Set Time, press Wheel 2 Lower Button. 

For more information on the Custom Section see Device Overview in the grandMA3 manual. 

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