• grandMA2 User Manual
  • grandMA3 Mode2
  • grandMA2 Quick Start Guide
  • grandMA2 Quick Manual onPC solutions
  • MA 3D
  • MA VPU
  • Release Notes
    • Version 3.9
    • Version 3.8
    • Version 3.7
    • Version 3.6
    • Version 3.5
    • Version 3.4
    • Version 3.3
    • Version 3.2
    • Version 3.1
    • Version 3.0
    • Version 2.9
    • Version 2.8
    • Version 2.7
    • Version 2.6
    • Version 2.5
    • Version 2.4
    • Version 2.3
    • Version 2.2
    • Version 2.1
    • Version 2.0
    • Version 1.X
Select different version
Version 3.9

Release Notes 3.9

Important Information for Updating

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version

Bug Fix Version


Other Enhancements

Fixed Bugs


Known Limitations

You will find the latest system requirements for several products on www.malighting.com


Important Information for Updating

Update dimMA system:
If you would like to update the dimMA system from any version below 7.x, contact your MA dealer or MA directly for any update information. If you use grandMA2 along with dimMA solutions, get in touch with us. A console update requires an MA NDP (= Network Dimmer Processor) update and vice versa. We are happy to assist you.

Update grandMA2 onPC and MA 3D:
The current versions of grandMA onPC and MA 3D require at least Windows® 7. Microsoft® .NET Framework (4.0) will be installed on your computer.

Update MA VPU
If you would like to update the MA VPU basic or the MA VPU light from any version to v3.2 or higher, at least one screen and one mouse has to be connected to the MA VPU.

Update MA Network Switch
If you would like to update the MA Network Switch in v3.1 or v3.2 to v3.3 or a subsequent version, execute the display reset after the update has been installed. As soon as Booting is displayed on the display of the MA Network Switch after the update:

  1. Disconnect the power.
  2. Press and hold the yellow menu button on the left side of the display.
  3. While holding the button power up the MA Network Switch again.
  4. As soon as Booting appears on the display of the MA Network Switch release the button.

To execute a fallback on v3.3 or a subsequent version in v3.1 or v3.2, proceed in the same manner.


Release Notes

grandMA2 Version

Other Enhancements

 Improved the grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter:

  • The grandMA2 Stomp will be converted to a 0 with one step on the relative layer, and one step on the absolute layer.
  • Layouts will be converted. When a layout contains elements that are not converted, for example, Timers, the converted layout contains a layout element without an assigned object at the same position.
  • Macros will be converted, although the commands inside the macros cannot be translated to the grandMA3 syntax. Therefore, the single macro lines are disabled.
  • Worlds will be converted.
  • Converted shows will display "Converted from grandMA2 vx.x.x.x" in front of the original show file description.
  • DMX Profiles will be converted.
  • Multipatch fixtures will be converted.
  • DMX Universes will be converted.
  • Commands in cues will be converted. Although the syntax itself cannot be translated to grandMA3 syntax. Therefore, the Command Enable setting per cue part in grandMA3 is set to No.
  • DMX Inverts and Encoder Inverts in Pan and Tilt of fixtures are converted.
  • DMX, MIDI, and Analog Remotes are converted. Although type and target will not be converted.
  • The XYZ flag of fixture types will be converted.
  • Improved the conversion of channel sets in fixture types.
  • Channel functions that have physical from/to values that are going from high to low are not longer inverted during conversion.
  • The Mode property of group masters will be converted.
  • The labels of Special Masters will be converted.
  • Assigned playback masters of executors will be converted to the playback master of the sequence. The first executor of a sequence decides which playback master will be used during conversion.
  • The modes of cues get converted:
    • Release: No conversion.
    • X-Break: Break with Filter 1 set, and Assert will be set to X-Assert.
    • Break: Break with Filter 1 set.
    • Assert: Assert will be set to Assert
    • X-Assert: Assert will be set to X-Assert.
  • Sequences that are only assigned to executors as chasers get a Trigger Time of BPM/60 per cue during conversion.
  • The OffTime and WrapAround setting of the first executor of a sequence will be used during conversion. The OffTime will be applied as fade time of the OffCue.
  • The PresetType timings of cues will be converted.
  • The MIB settings of the sequence and cues will be converted.
  • Improved the renaming during conversion of objects that have the same name in grandMA2.

 Added Carallon library v19.8.

Fixed Bugs

Sometimes grandMA2 consoles could not finish the shutdown process after plugging in a network cable during runtime.

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter

Preset links in cues could get lost during conversion process.
The software could crash when converting show files that contained fixture types that have channel function without any subattribute assigned.
When converting universal presets that also contained global data, the preset displayed in the grandMA3 software an additional selective marker.
Fixture types that have inverted DMX ranges on channel functions were converted incorrectly.
When converting timecode shows, not all properties, for example, Runs, Switch Off or Record Mode, were not converted correctly.
When a cue used the InFade time as OutFade time, the times in grandMA3 were set to the same value for fade and delay.
The GrandMaster was renamed during conversion.
When converting fixture types with several color attributes, it could happen that the same grandMA3 color attribute was used several times within the same fixture type.
The color of a converted appearance was applied as image color. This bug is fixed.
The color of an appearance gets converted to the background color of the appearance in grandMA3.
Cues that have values and effects stored for the same attribute were not converted correctly.
Dim2 attribute and higher (Dim3, Dim4, ...) were not converted correctly.

Mode2 on grandMA3

The internal UPS on grandMA3 full-size and light consoles did not always take over in case of power loss when using Mode2.
The software could freeze when saving a show file to an FTP server.


grandMA2 Version

Fixed Bugs

Sometimes grandMA2 consoles could not finish the shutdown process after plugging in a network cable during runtime. This bug is fixed.

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter

Preset links in cues could get lost during conversion process. This bug is fixed.
The software could crash when converting show files that contained fixture types that have channel function without any subattribute assigned.


grandMA2 Version

Other Enhancements

 Improved the display of IP addresses on xPort nodes:
When Art-Net mode is active, the second IP address is displayed instead of the MA-Net2 IP address.


 Added Carallon library v19.5.


 Improved the grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter:

  • Before the conversion starts, the user has to confirm a pop-up. When starting the conversion via the command line, the option /noconfirm can be used in order to suppress this pop-up.
  • Info of objects is converted to notes in grandMA3.
  • Timecode shows are converted.
  • Improved conversion of Special Master of grandMA2 to Masters in grandMA3.
  • FixtureTypes with ReactToDim property set to Linear are converted to Multiply relations.
  • FixtureTypes with HSB_Saturation or HSB_Brightness attributes will convert their From values and To values to 0 % and 100 %.


 Improved Mode2 on grandMA3:

  • Pressing MA + Please on the internal keyboard sets the focus to the command line.

Fixed Bugs

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter

Converted show files could sometimes contain empty executors. This bug is fixed.
The software crashed when converting effects that used attributes not currently present in the preset types. This bug is fixed. Effect lines that use attributes that are not present in preset types are not converted to steps.
Cue trigger type Follow was not converted. This bug is fixed.

Mode2 on grandMA3

Show files that contained spaces, #, or % in their names could not be saved to the FTP backup server, when the Save Show action was initiated by a console running in Mode2. This bug is fixed.


grandMA2 Version

Other Enhancements

 Added Carallon library v19.2.


grandMA2 Version

Fixed Bugs

Mode2 on grandMA3

The sound input was not working when running Mode 2. This bug is fixed.


grandMA2 Version

Other Enhancements

 grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter:

  • The attributes Hue, Saturation, and Brightness are converted to HSB_Hue, HSB_Saturation, and HSB_Brightness.
  • Added the conversion of Executors. grandMA2 executors 101 to 190 are converted to grandMA3 executors 101 to 190.
    grandMA2 executors 1 to 90 are converted to grandMA3 executors 201 to 290. Furthermore, in grandMA3 the corresponding executors on rows 300 and 400 are also used in order to provide the executor buttons 2 and 3 of grandMA2.
    The grandMA2 Xkeys X5X6X15, and X16 are not converted.
Only executors that have sequences or selective effects assigned are converted.
  • Fixture types with more than 8 192 channel sets in an attribute do not convert the channel sets after the 8 192th channel set.


 Improved the Mode2 start process: The start process of Mode2 on grandMA3 hardware is faster now.


 Added Carallon library v19.0.

Fixed Bugs

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter

The software crashed when it tried to convert embedded presets, where a circular embedded reference to the first preset exists. This bug is fixed. Circular embedded presets do not crash the software when converting show files.
The software crashed when illegal values were stored in presets. This bug is fixed. Illegal values in presets are replaced with default values during the show file conversion.
Having CueZero active in a sequence led to two cues named Cue Zero in the converted show file. This bug is fixed.
When running grandMA2 onPC on Windows using Parallels Desktop, Save as grandMA3 was displayed. This bug is fixed. Save as grandMA3 does not appear on Parallels Desktop systems.


grandMA2 Version

Other Enhancements

 grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter:

  • Barndoor attributes are converted to shaper attributes in order to have a first visualization possible.

 Added Carallon library v18.2.

Fixed Bugs

Filter pool objects could hide their preset type bar when single attributes were disabled. This bug is fixed. The preset type bar on filter pool objects is always displayed as soon as minimum one attribute is disabled.
The software could crash when deleting lines of an effect. This bug is fixed. Deleting effect lines should not crash the software anymore.

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Show Converter

The names of fixture layers were not converted. This bug is fixed. The names of fixture layers in the grandMA2 patch are again converted to grandMA3 layers.
Converted sequences that used appearances on cues had the same appearance assigned to all cues. This bug is fixed. Each appearance of a cue which has a different color is converted to its own appearance pool object in grandMA3.
The names of fixture types in the patch menu included also the fixture type ID. This bug is fixed. Fixture type names are not including the fixture type ID.


Mode2 on grandMA3

Starting the grandMA2 software on grandMA3 compact or compact XT consoles during the boot process while no network cable was plugged took a long time. This bug is fixed. Starting the grandMA2 software on grandMA3 compact and compact XT consoles is faster again, when no network cable is plugged in.


Bug Fix Version

Fixed Bugs

Mode2 on grandMA3

When restarting the Mode2 application on a grandMA3 compact console, the Mode Selector pop-up did not appear again. This bug is fixed. When restarting Mode2 on a grandMA3 compact console, the Mode Selector pop-up appears again.


Bug Fix Version

Other Enhancements

 Improved grandMA2 to grandMA3 converter:

  • Converts static content of cues.
  • Converts values and timings of global and universal presets. Effect data in presets and presets that contain only timings without values are excluded from the conversion.
  • Converts selective effects in the effect pool into preset pool 22 (All 2). This pool will be renamed to Effects. The forms of grandMA2 effects will be converted into values for Acceleration and Deceleration. Only the simple predefined forms of grandMA2 can be converted at this stage.

 Added Carallon library v18.1.

Fixed Bugs

The login screen on onPC stations allowed to move the faders in the GUI, while all other elements are locked. This bug is fixed. Now also the faders in the GUI are locked when the onPC station is in the login screen.
Pressing several encoders very often at the same time could crash the software. This bug is fixed. Pressing encoders very often at the same time does not crash the software anymore.

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Converter

The first fixture in converted groups, presets, filters, and sequences were set to 1 on the grid X-axis. This bug is fixed. Fixtures in converted groups, presets, filters, and sequences will be placed in the grid starting at coordinate 0/0/0.
Empty sequence pool objects were created as normal sequence objects when converting a show file into a grandMA3 show file. This bug is fixed. Empty sequence pool objects stay empty now when converting a show file.


Bug Fix Version

Other Enhancements

 The grandMA2 to grandMA3 converter has been improved:

  • Sequence settings are converted.
  • Cues (only cue number) and cue part (only name and cue part timings, except preset type timings) are converted.
  • The conversion of channel functions has been improved. In the grandMA2 the non-linear physical characteristic of channel functions was described within the physical values of the channel sets. This could cause unexpected behavior of the encoders in natural and physical readout because of the channel function's invalid range of physical values. The conversion has been improved to the extend that converted channel functions now have a valid range of physical values according to their channel sets.

 Added Carallon library v17.3.

 CITP Thumbnail Exchange requires now in the fixture type of the used fixtures a mode dependency between the selected image subattribute and the selected library subattribute.


Fixed Bugs

Channel functions of fixtures that were added by using the CITP Thumbnail Exchange feature, were set to a natural value range from 0 to 100. This bug is fixed. Channel functions that will be added by the CITP Thumbnail Exchange are now set to a natural range from 0 to 255.

Mode2 on grandMA3

The level wheels of the custom section on grandMA3 full-size consoles running Mode2 had no functionality anymore. This bug is fixed. The level wheels on grandMA3 full-size consoles running Mode2 work again to change the Program Time and the Exec Time.
The touch screen assignment did not assign the touch screens correctly when touch screens were used that will report as two devices: touch device and mouse device. This bug is fixed. Touch screens that report themselves as two devices are now handled correctly when using the touch assignment functionality.

grandMA2 to grandMA3 Converter

The Save as grandMA3 show file conversion failed when the show file had selective embedded presets stored. This bug is fixed. Selective embedded presets do not let the show file conversion to grandMA3 fail anymore. But still, embedded presets won't be converted, yet.


Bug Fix Version

Other Enhancements

 The grandMA2 to grandMA3 converter has been improved:

  • The inverts for pan and tilt on encoder and DMX level and the ReactToMaster settings of fixtures will now be converted when saving a show as grandMA3.
  • Groups and worlds are now converted into the grandMA3 format. When a group or world appearance has an appearance, the appearance will also be converted into a grandMA3 appearance. If several objects use the exact same RGB color for the appearance, only one grandMA3 appearance will be created. This appearance will then be used by all converted grandMA3 objects.
  • The values and timings of presets will now be converted. Effect data in presets and presets that contain only timings without values are excluded from the conversion.
- Global and universal presets are not converted, yet.
- Embedded presets are also not converted, yet.

 The merge behavior of grandMA2 xPorts nodes (also when running Mode2 on grandMA3 xPort nodes) in sACN mode has been improved:

  • The sACN priority is now the first criteria. No matter of the set up merge mode per XLR port, the highest priority will be output.
  • If there are 2 or more sACN senders sending on the same priority (which is also the highest priority in the network), then the resulting signal is merged by the set up merge mode:
    • Off: The first detected sender will be output.
    • HTP: The highest values will be output.
    • LTP: The values from the sender who changed its values last, will be output. 
    • LoTP: The lowest value will be output.
When the last sender of the highest priority disappears it will take 10s of timeout until the data of the next lower priority will be output.


Fixed Bugs

The software could crash under special circumstances when the DMX sheet was opened. This bug is fixed. The software should not crash anymore when opening a DMX sheet.
When sending Art-Net via unicast to an IP that is not part of the usual Art-Net IP area, the destination port was not set correctly. This bug is fixed. Sending unicast Art-Net uses now always port 6454.
Connecting via SFTP to a console did not allow to access the user data of other installed versions. This bug is fixed. Accessing the console via SFTP now also allows to enter the folders of other installed software versions.

xPort Nodes

grandMA2 xPort nodes used only a TTL of 1. This bug is fixed. The TTL of grandMA2 xPort nodes is now set to 8.

Mode2 on grandMA3

The software could crash when running in grandMA3 full-size and grandMA3 light consoles when having a calculator of the layout encoder bar open and pressing Store Please.
Pause [large] could flicker from time to time on grandMA3 compact consoles. This bug is fixed. Pause [large] does not flicker anymore in an uncontrolled way. In addition, Pause [large] blinks now with a regular pattern of 0.5 s from off to on, when the pause is active.
Converting DMX into Art-Net or sACN and the input signal had a frame rate higher than 30 Hz by using grandMA3 xPort Nodes running Mode2, caused the input to stuck from time to time. This bug is fixed. Inputting DMX with a frame rate above 30 Hz into grandMA3 xPort Nodes sends out the network protocols smoothly again.


Bug Fix Version

Fixed Bugs and Improved Functionality

The software could freeze when looping cues, mainly when creating an endless loop. This bug is fixed. Looping cues within a sequence should not freeze the software anymore.
The software could crash when overlaying the opened setup menu with the edit sequence pop-up and executing Setup in the command line. This bug is fixed. The software does not crash anymore when having a pop-up open overlaying the setup menu and then executing the keyword setup in the command line.
When sending Art-Net as unicast the system monitor displayed a lot of unnecessary messages. This bug is fixed. Sending Art-Net displays only necessary messages in the system monitor again.


Bug Fix Version

Fixed Bugs and Improved Functionality

Changing the appearance of cue during a cue transition canceled the fade. This bug is fixed. Cue transitions are not canceled anymore when changing the appearance at the same time.
Entering the live patch via Setup - Patch only (Live) and leaving it via command line, kept the command line destination in the patch only. This bug is fixed. Leaving the live setup with the commands CD Root or CD / exits also the command line destination from patch only.


Bug Fix Version

Fixed Bugs and Improved Functionality

The Show Groups Info in Setup - MA Network Configuration - Network Switch was not highlighted when the groups info was displayed. This bug is fixed. Show Groups Info is now always highlighted when the groups info is displayed.
Art-Net poll replies had input universes and output universes interchanged. This bug is fixed. Art-Net poll replies now carry the correct universe information.
Art-Net poll replies had BindIndex and BindIp always set to 0. This bug is fixed. Art-Net poll replies send by grandMA2 now contain the correct BindIndex and BindIp information.
The subnet in Art-Net poll replies was incremented when sending universes within one Art-Net configuration that were part of at least 2 different subnets. This bug is fixed. Art-Net poll replies now contain the correct subnet information for their universe.
Art-Net poll replies never had the correct network addressed. This bug is fixed. Art-Net poll replies now contain the correct network.
The console could crash during show download when it tried to access data that was not received, yet. This bug is fixed. The console should not crash anymore when trying to read not existing data during a show download.


Bug Fix Version

Fixed Bugs and Improved Functionality

Layouts could cause a crash during show download. This bug is fixed. The software does not crash anymore during a show download because of a layout.
RDM sheet was not updated when the DEVICE_LABEL of an RDM fixture changed and the new name was the old name but shortened by the last character. This bug is fixed. The RDM sheet is now always updated when changing the label of an RDM device.
The console could crash when cloning with multi instance fixtures. This bug is fixed. Cloning should not crash the console anymore.
ToFull and ToZero did not work when adding cue mode options to the command. This bug is fixed. ToFull and ToZero work now also with cue mode options.

grandMA2 onPC

The onPC could crash when executing a plugin. This bug is fixed. The onPC does not crash anymore when executing a certain plugin.

Mode2 on grandMA3

Exporting the patch as HTML files did not create HTML files on the selected drive. This bug is fixed. HTML files will be created now when exporting the patch as HTML files.


Bug Fix Version

Fixed Bugs and Improved Functionality

grandMA2 onPC

The onPC could crash when executing a plugin. This bug is fixed. The onPC does not crash anymore when executing a certain plugin.


grandMA2 Version


The latest release of grandMA2 version 3.9 rolls out several enhancements that enrich your lighting experience. Read on for a quick introduction and find links for more information.

Other Enhancements

 Added Carallon library v16.0.


Fixed Bugs

Leaving a session using a console could lose user variables. This bug is fixed. User variables are not lost anymore when a console leaves the session.
Line breaks and text alignment in the 2 parts of the PSR menu differed from one another. This bug is fixed. The PSR menu has now the same line breaks and text alignment.
Midi timecode (MTC) full frame messages were not recognized by the consoles. This bug is fixed. MTC full frame messages are processed by the system now.
Clock window and timecode pool did not display fractions of a second if the overall amount of time was too large. This bug is fixed. Clock window displays always now all numbers of the timecode time. The timecode displays all fractions as long as the time fits into the available space. Otherwise the fractions will be cut.
Toggling the Off menu crashed the console while being in the patch & fixture schedule. This bug is fixed. Toggling the Off menu does not crash the console anymore.
Changing a timecode event from Goto to Go or vice versa opened the cue destination pop-up if a fixed destination was already set. This bug is fixed. Cue destination pop-up does not appear anymore for referenced events when changing the trigger from Goto to Go or vice versa.
The dynamic preset pool did not always refresh the thumbnails when switching to a different preset type.
Opening the Add window dialog on screen 1 via tapping with more than 1 finger on the multitouch screen, opened the dialog several times. This bug is fixed. Tapping with more than 1 finger on the empty screen area in display 1 opens the Add window dialog now only once.
Loading a show file from an old grandMA2 version with outdated attribute definitions could crash the console. This bug is fixed. Outdated attribute definitions are now converted correctly when loading an old show file.
Having the PSR Initialize menu open while receiving a show download could crash the console. This bug is fixed. Receiving a show download does not crash the console anymore while being in the PSR Initilize menu.
Color wheels did not show a thumbnail preview of the color in the calculator and the fixture sheet. This bug is fixed. Channel Sets in the calculator and also the fixture sheet show a thumbnail preview of the color.

Mode2 on grandMA3

Scrolling in the Goto pop-up or Load pop-up set the focus back to the current cue. This bug is fixed. Scrolling with the screen encoder in the Goto pop-up or Load pop-up does not reset the focus back to the current cue.


Downdating the MA Network Switch from v3.3 or higher to older version will reset the configuration to factory defaults. It is possible to backup the configuration before the downdating and restore it afterwards. 
Using the Bitmap Fixture in sequences with several cues causes the bitmap fixture to restart the playback with every cue the bitmap fixture is programed in. If the bitmap fixture is to be used in a sequence with several cues, we suggest programing it in single cue sequences and call these sequences within the master sequence with cue links.
Import of all kinds of XML-files is only possible if the files were exported from the same or an older grandMA2 version.
If a World is edited while a user has entered this specific world, the changes are not applied to the user. The user has to change to a different world to see the changes of the world.
When a different user deletes the current page the user has selected will result in having no page selected by the current user.
RDM: Connecting 2 outputs of a grandMA2 System with one cable can cause trouble in RDM.
Downdating to grandMA2 release v3.0.0.5 and previous versions requires a factory reset (Format and Install). Please backup your show files before downdating.
Inserting the command "store /remove" or pressing [store][cue][2] and select [remove] in the pop-up will remove the whole attribute with all (!!) its layers of fixtures having any value or effect layer of this attribute active in programmer. It can be filtered to only remove values, value timings or effects by using the buttons in the stored encoder bar. To remove only specific layers, for example only individual effect fade, the operator needs to open the calculator for these layers and select "remove" in the calculator. Afterwards, the operator needs to update the cue, or has to use store /merge to remove the specific layers.
If multiple fixtures are selected with a lasso in the layout view, the snap grid settings are applied to interpolate small position differences of fixture icons. The order of selection is always made inside of one snap grid cell first. Afterwards following the succession, line by line in the direction of the lasso movement.
The network switch IGMP Snooping functionality has to be switched off in order to be able to update MA 2Port Nodes.
A grandMA1 compatibility mode is no part of grandMA2 console software 3.0 and subsequent versions. If grandMA1 compatibility mode is needed, grandMA2 consoles and MA NPUs have to be downdated to grandMA2 v2.9.1.1
The MA-Net2 protocol has changed to support the 8Port Node devices. All MA devices need a new network streaming protocol in the 2.9 software. Once updated to the correlating version to grandMA2 v2.9, 2Port, 4Port, 8Port, NSP 4Port Node and the NDP will no longer work in a session with an older network streaming protocol (e.g., grandMA2 v2.8). Downdating MA 2Port Nodes or NSP running in 4Port Node Mode to be v2.8 compatible is only possible via grandMA1 v 6.801. All other devices can be downdated via USB or windows installer only.
Exec Time can be used for Executor buttons and Executor Faders. The new Executor option "Ignore Exec Time" has been added. If this option is enabled, the referring executor uses its own off time instead of the Exec Time Fader Timing. Show files stored in grandMA2 v2.9.1 and previous versions are converted. This option is then enabled in all fader executors. Executor option defaults are valid for fader and button executors. If storing new fader executors, these executors listen to Exec Time by default.
Fixture type preset reference contains values only. It is not possible to add any fade, delay or effect data to fixture type preset references.
ASCII show import supports Strand, Transtechnik and ADB ASCII show files.
A CITP connection is not possible when running CITP sender and CITP receiver at the same computer.
The Pixel Mapper of an MA VPU works best if the resolution X of the output can be divided by 8.
Lua 5.3 is implemented in grandMA2 v3.1 or subsequent versions. LuaSocket is approved for Lua 5.1 only.Therefore, not all functions of LuaSocket are supported within Lua 5.3.
Following syntax can be used to switch off faders only or buttons only of current page or of all pages except the current page:
  • Off Executor 1 thru 100 - This switches off all faders of current page.
  • Off Executor 101 thru 240 - This switches off all buttons of current page.
  • Off Executor 1 thru 100 Page Thru - $faderpage - This switches off all faders of all pages except the current page.
  • Off Executor 101 thru 240 Page Thru - $buttonpage - This switches off all buttons of all pages except current the current page.
Addressing executors via command line has been improved to provide support for addressing by name or number. This can be used when sending playback commands to specific executors or when storing to a specific executor, sequence or cue for example. All existing cue links and macros of show files stored with former grandMA2 versions will be converted as far as possible. Please check cue links and macros of existing shows when loading them the first time with this version. Some cue links and macros may have to be adjusted. When creating new macros or cue links or editing existing ones, the new syntax as described below has to be used.
  • Go Exec "exec name" - starts executor with specified name on current page.
  • Go Exec "exec number" - starts executor with specified number on current page.
  • Go Exec "*"."exec name" - starts executor with specified name on all pages.
  • Go Exec "*"."exec number" - starts executor with specified number on all pages.
  • Go Exec "page name"."exec name" - starts executor with specified name on specified page.
  • Go Exec "page name"."exec number" - starts executor with specified number on specified page.
  • Go Exec "page number"."exec name" - starts executor with specified name on specified page.
  • Go Exec "page number"."exec number" - starts executor with specified number on specified page.


Known Limitations

  • Pan/Tilt offsets should not be set to higher values than the fixture type provides due to its physical limitations. Setting values out of the physical range can affect the correct visualization in the stage view of the grandMA2 and MA 3D.
  • Active dimmer values given from the desk do not cause the MA VPU to send its merge defaults for the color attribute. This may cause an unexpected output if only the dimmer of a fixture is controlled by the desk. To avoid this and to gain full control, just set the color attribute actively in the programmer. Or store the color information to an executor which is set to a higher priority than the pixel mapper output. Do not forget to switch off this executor if the output of the pixel mapper is to be active again.
  • At the initial start after the installation or the update of the MA VPU application, the end user license agreement is shown. The MA VPU application will not start, until the end user license agreement is confirmed. If you are using a VPU Plus, the end user license agreement is shown at the internal touch display. If you are using a MA VPU basic or MA VPU light, the end user license agreement is shown at the first external DVI-output - so please make sure you have a display and a mouse attached to the MA VPU basic or MA VPU light.
  • Ma-Net1 is not supported for MA 2Ports Version 1.77 or higher.
  • MA onPC command wing DMX input is supported for the ports "DMX In" and "DMX out A" only. The port "DMX out B" can only be used as DMX out!
  • Before loading show files stored with grandMA2 v2.7.x the first time with grandMA2 v2.9.x, attribute Colormix4 and 5 and Colordim4 and 5 of self-made fixture types have to be manually adjusted to fulfill the color specification. Amber has to be Colormix 4 invert or Colordim 4 without invert, and White has to be Colormix 5 invert or Colordim 5 without invert. Otherwise, color information of these fixture types will be lost after loading show file with v2.9.
  • The feature name for ColorDim/ColorMix has changed into MixColor. Macros using one of these feature names have to be adjusted.
  • Known limitation when loading show files stored with v2.8.x for the first time in v2.9
    • Special Masters have a new data structure in grandMA2 software.
      • All Special Master custom labels will be reset to MA default labels
      • Assignment of 100mm faders will be reset to default.
      • Macros referring to special masters have to be adjusted and have to use the new naming and numbering of special masters.
    • Macros referring to relative values have to be adjusted according to new relative/absolute syntax.
    • User profiles exported to USB drives using v2.8 and previous versions have to be manually moved from folder importexport to user_profile folder in order to import these profiles using grandMA2 v2.9 and subsequent versions.
  • MA 4Port Nodes and MA 8Port Nodes have to be updated to v1.0.9 or subsequent versions to be compatible with grandMA2 v2.9. MA 2Port Nodes have to be updated to 1.77 or subsequent versions in order to be compatible to grandMA2 v2.9.
  • Channel set labels of fixture types have to be unique to be visible and accessible in calculator. E.g., if channel sets of Attribute Shutter are closed, open, open, open, only one open is visible in the calculator. Changing channel set labels to closed, open, open(2), open(3), results in all channel sets being visible in the calculator.
  • Astronomical clock always calculates time according to standard time zone. Additional summer times are not recognized and cannot be adjusted manually when using sunset, dusk, dawn, and sunrise in the agenda.
  • Bitmap fixtures can be applied to physical parameters only. Virtual parameters such as a virtual dimmer or XYZ attributes are not supported.

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