- grandMA2 User Manual
- Introduction
- About this manual
- System requirements grandMA2 onPC
- Installation of grandMA2 onPC
- Help from MA technical support
- Safety Information
- Symbols used
- Intended use
- Dangers caused by electric current
- General safety instructions
- Device Overview
- grandMA2 console
- grandMA2 replay unit (RPU)
- grandMA2 fader wing
- MA onPC command wing
- MA onPC fader wing
- System Overview
- Standalone systems
- Network systems
- What is the replay unit (RPU)
- What is the network processing unit (NPU)
- What is the MA video processing unit (VPU)
- What is the network dimmer processor (NDP)
- What is MA 3D
- What are the MA nodes
- Paramters vs. DMX channels
- Parameter expansion
- Big systems
- Media systems and CITP
- First Steps
- Unpack the device
- Check scope of delivery
- Position the device
- Connect power
- Connect desk lamps
- Connect external screens
- Connect USB mouse and USB keyboad
- Connect DMX
- Connect sound
- Connect SMPTE (LTC)
- Connect Ethernet
- Connect analog remote control
- Connect grandMA2 fader wing
- Setup your PC
- Turn on the console the first time
- Keys & Buttons on the Console
- Key overview
- >>> [GoFastForward]
- <<< [GoFastBack]
- . [Dot]
- Align
- Assign
- At
- Backg [Background]
- Backup
- Blind
- Bt Pg +
- Bt Pg -
- B.O. [Blackout]
- Channel
- Ch Pg +
- Ch Pg -
- Clear
- Copy
- Cue
- Del [Delete]
- Down
- Edit
- Effect
- [Encoder]
- Esc
- Exec [Executor]
- Executor Buttons
- Fd Pg +
- Fd Pg -
- Fix
- Fixture
- Freeze
- Full
- Go + [small]
- Go + [large]
- Go - [small]
- Go - [large]
- Goto
- Group
- Help
- Highlt [Highlight]
- If
- Keyboard
- Learn
- List
- MA
- Macro
- [Minus] -
- Mouse
- Move
- Next
- [Numeric]
- Off
- On
- Oops
- Page
- Pause [small]
- Pause [large]
- Please
- [Plus] +
- Preset
- Prev [Previous]
- Prvw [Preview]
- Select
- Sequ [Sequence]
- Set
- Setup
- Solo
- Store
- Temp
- Thru
- Time
- Top
- Tools
- Up
- Update
- User 1
- User 2
- View
- U1 - U4
- V1 - V10
- X1 - X20
- Workspace
- User interface
- Screen layout
- User-defined area
- Command line
- X-Key labels
- View buttons
- Master section
- Time control
- Encoder bar
- Preset control bar
- Encoder toolbar
- Encoder settings
- Command wing bar
- Command section
- Mini executor bar
- Work with views
- Touch gestures
- Calculator
- Info
- Oops and undo
- Colors
- System
- Marker
- Cue
- Text indicators and symbols
- Icons
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Turn on or turn off the keyboard shortcuts
- Edit keyboard shortcuts
- Add or delete keyboard shortcuts
- Export or import keyboard shortcuts
- User interface
- Windows in General
- Create and manage basic windows
- Clear the screen or delete windows
- Command Syntax and Keywords
- General syntax rules
- Helping keywords
- Object keywords
- Function keywords
- All keywords
- Special characters
- <<< [GoFastBack]
- >>> [GoFastForward]
- - [Minus]
- + [Plus]
- AddUserVar
- AddVar
- Agenda
- Alert
- Align
- AlignFaderModules
- All
- AllButtonExecutors
- AllChaseExecutors
- AllFaderExecutors
- AllRows
- AllSequExecutors
- And
- Appearance
- Asterisk *
- Assign
- At
- At @
- Attribute
- AutoCreate
- Backup
- Black
- Blackout
- BlackScreen
- Blind
- BlindEdit
- Block
- ButtonPage
- Call
- Camera
- ChangeDest
- Channel
- ChannelFader
- ChannelLink
- ChannelPage
- Chat
- CircularCopy
- Clear
- ClearActive
- ClearAll
- ClearSelection
- Clone
- CmdDelay
- CmdHelp
- Copy
- CrashLogCopy
- CrashLogDelete
- CrashLogList
- Crossfade
- CrossfadeA
- CrossfadeB
- Cue
- Cut
- Default
- DefGoBack
- DefGoForward
- DefGoPause
- Delay
- Delete
- DeleteShow
- DisconnectStation
- Dmx
- Dollar $
- DmxUniverse
- Dot .
- DoubleRate
- DoubleSpeed
- Down
- DropControl
- Edit
- Effect
- EffectAttack
- EffectBPM
- EffectDecay
- EffectDelay
- EffectFade
- EffectForm
- EffectHigh
- EffectHZ
- EffectID
- EffectLow
- EffectPhase
- EffectSec
- EffectSpeedGroup
- EffectWidth
- Empty
- EndIf
- EndSession
- Escape
- ExecButton1
- ExecButton2
- ExecButton3
- Executor
- Exit
- Export
- Extract
- Fade
- FadePath
- Fader
- FaderPage
- Feature
- Filter
- Fix
- Fixture
- FixtureType
- Flash
- FlashGo
- FlashOn
- Flip
- Form
- Freeze
- Full
- FullHighlight
- Gel
- Go
- GoBack
- Goto
- Group
- HalfRate
- HalfSpeed
- Help
- Highlight
- IdentifyFaderModule
- If
- IfActive
- IfOutput
- IfProg
- Image
- Import
- Info
- Insert
- Interleave
- Invert
- InviteStation
- Item3D
- JoinSession
- Kill
- Label
- Layer
- Layout
- Learn
- LeaveSession
- List
- ListEffectLibrary
- ListFaderModules
- ListLibrary
- ListMacroLibrary
- ListOops
- ListOwner
- ListPluginLibrary
- ListShows
- ListUpdate
- ListUserVar
- ListVar
- Load
- LoadNext
- LoadPrev
- LoadShow
- Locate
- Lock
- Login
- Logout
- Lua
- Macro
- ManualXFade
- Mask
- Master
- MasterFade
- MAtricks
- MAtricksBlocks
- MAtricksFilter
- MAtricksGroups
- MAtricksInterleave
- MAtricksReset
- MAtricksWings
- MediaServer
- Menu
- Message
- Messages
- MidiControl
- MidiNote
- MidiProgram
- Model
- Move
- Move3D
- NetworkInfo
- NetworkNodeInfo
- NetworkNodeUpdate
- NetworkSpeedTest
- NewShow
- Next
- NextRow
- Normal
- Off
- On
- Oops
- Or
- OutDelay
- OutFade
- Page
- Parentheses ( )
- Park
- Part
- Paste
- Pause
- Plugin
- PMArea
- Preset
- PresetType
- Preview
- PreviewEdit
- PreviewExecutor
- Previous
- PrevRow
- Profile
- Protocol
- PSRList
- Quotation marks " "
- PSRPrepare
- Rate
- Rate1
- RdmAutomatch
- RdmAutopatch
- RdmFixtureType
- RdmInfo
- RdmList
- RdmSetParameter
- RdmSetpatch
- RdmUnmatch
- Reboot
- Record
- Release
- ReloadPlugins
- Remote
- RemoteCommand
- Remove
- RemoveIndividuals
- Replace
- ResetDmxSelection
- ResetGuid
- Restart
- Root
- Rotate3D
- SaveShow
- Screen
- Search
- SearchResult
- Select
- SelectDrive
- Selection
- Semicolon ;
- SelFix
- Sequence
- SetHostname
- SetIP
- SetNetworkSpeed
- Setup
- SetUserVar
- SetVar
- ShuffleSelection
- ShuffleValues
- Shutdown
- SnapPercent
- Slash /
- Solo
- SpecialMaster
- Square brackets [ ]
- Speed
- StepFade
- StepInFade
- StepOutFade
- Stomp
- Store
- StoreLook
- Surface
- Swop
- SwopGo
- SwopOn
- SyncEffects
- TakeControl
- Telnet
- Temp
- TempFader
- Thru
- Timecode
- TimecodeSlot
- Timer
- ToFull
- Toggle
- Tools
- Top
- ToZero
- Unblock
- Unlock
- Unpark
- Up
- Update
- UpdateFirmware
- UpdateSoftware
- UpdateThumbnails
- User
- UserProfile
- Value
- Version
- View
- ViewButton
- ViewPage
- WebRemoteProgOnly
- With
- World
- Zero
- Work with lists
- Object list
- Selection list
- Executor list
- Attribute list
- Station list
- General syntax rules
- Using the Backup Menu
- New show
- Load show
- Save show
- Save show as...
- Delete shows
- Using a USB stick
- Setting up a file server
- Partial show read
- ASCII show read
- Single User and Multi User Systems
- The difference between a single user and a multi user system
- Create user profiles and users
- User settings
- Login
- Networking
- What is networking
- Set the IP address in the console
- Set the IP address in the onPC
- Using DHCP in MA devices
- Session control
- How to create a session
- Protecting the session and station
- Adding devices to the session
- How to end or leave a session
- Session collision
- Getting DMX in and out of the system
- Setting up DMX ports on MA devices
- Network DMX protocols
- What affects my DMX output?
- Using CITP
- Streaming CITP
- Thumbnail exchange
- PosiStageNet (PSN)
- FTP connection to console and NPU
- Patching, DMX, and Fixture Setup
- What are channels & fixtures
- Attributes
- DMX break
- What is 3D and stage setup
- Adding fixtures to the show
- Delete fixtures from the show
- Working with layers
- Multipatching
- Live patching
- DMX sheet
- DMX testing
- DMX and parameter lists
- Universe pool
- Stage view
- Virtual 3D cameras
- Position fixtures in the 3D stage
- Auto calibrate fixture positions
- What are channels & fixtures
- Basic Fixture Types
- What are attributes, features & preset types
- ColorMix vs. MixColor
- Different fixture types
- Conventional
- Mirror
- Moving lights
- Media server
- Virtual fixtures
- Operate Fixtures
- Channel sheet
- Fixture sheet
- Sheet options
- Tools
- Layer mask
- Display
- Title buttons
- Assign executor
- Mask (local)
- Layers in sheets
- Channel sheet and fixture sheet
- Sequence content and sequence tracking sheet
- What is the programmer
- Encoder grouping
- Using the color picker
- Using the shaper dialog
- Using the smart view
- Edit a channel or fixture
- Pools in General
- Manage pool objects
- Adjust pool options
- Call modes
- Groups
- Create groups
- Auto create groups
- Using groups when programming
- Choose copy method
- Change specific group colors
- Group masters
- Presets
- What are special modes
- Preset pools
- Preset pool "Dynamic"
- Create presets
- Preset pool options
- Create preset reference
- Auto create presets
- Auto create additional presets
- Embedded presets
- Edit presets
- Update presets
- Delete presets
- Cues and Sequences
- What are cues and sequences
- Looking at the cue sequence
- Store cues
- Store options and defaults
- Cue timings
- Renumber cues
- Delete cues
- Playing back cues
- Looking at the cue content
- Update cues
- What is tracking
- What is MIB
- Sequence mini executor
- Commands in cues
- Executors
- What are executors
- Executors on the screens
- Assign a function
- Looking at the active executors
- Common executor options
- Advanced Sequence Functionality
- Using different view sets in the sheets
- Working with MIB
- Using cue modes
- Cue zero
- Sequence info window
- Looping cues
- Cue path
- Advanced Executor Functionality
- Executor pages
- Channel pages
- Executor options
- Masters window
- Special masters
- Default masters
- Grand masters
- Speed masters
- Rate masters
- Playback masters
- Clone
- Clone in user interface
- Examples
- Clone presets
- Search and Replace
- Search
- Replace
- Image Pool
- Import images and videos
- Image limitations & guidelines for symbols
- Supported file formats
- Delete images and videos
- Layouts
- Create a layout
- Layout pool options
- Edit layout
- Layout view options
- Worlds, Filters and Masks
- What are worlds
- Create worlds
- Auto create worlds
- Use worlds when programming
- What are filters
- Create filters
- Use filters when programming
- Use temporary filters
- What are masks
- Create masks
- Use masks in the sheets
- Apply worlds or filters to executors and sequences
- MAtricks
- MAtricks toolbar
- MAtricks pool
- MAtricks interleave
- MAtricks blocks
- MAtricks wings
- MAtricks groups
- Chasers
- Create a chaser
- Chaser settings
- Chaser mini executor
- Effects
- Use predefined effects
- Use template and selective effects
- Create an effect in the programmer
- Create an effect that uses presets
- Create effect forms
- Pool options
- Effects in a cue
- Assign effect to executor
- Live edit an effect
- Running effects
- Update effects
- Delete effects
- Bitmap Fixture
- Import bitmap fixture
- Apply bitmap fixture in the layout
- Control bitmap fixture
- Edit bitmap fixture
- Example
- Priorities for bitmap effects
- Disable bitmap for fixtures
- XYZ vs. pan/tilt
- XYZ and pan/tilt in cues and sequences
- Use stage markers
- Link objects to stage markers in MA 3D
- Remote Controlling the System
- Remote input
- MIDI show control (MSC)
- Web remote
- Telnet remote
- Decimal – hex table
- Timecode
- What is timecode and timecode shows
- Record a timecode show
- Edit a timecode show
- Playing back a timecode show
- Organize the show with multiple timecode shows
- Timer
- Timer pool
- Timer pool options
- Agenda
- What is agenda
- Create an appointment in the agenda
- Macros
- What are macros
- Manually create a macro
- Use variables
- Create pop-ups
- Conditional expressions
- Macro timing
- Record a macro
- Edit a macro
- Command line interaction
- Assign a macro to a key
- Example macros
- Plugins
- What is Lua
- Edit plugins
- Partial Show Read
- What is partial show read (PSR)
- How to do a PSR
- Turn RDM on
- Match RDM devices
- Auto patch RDM devices
- Work with RDM parameters
- Work with RDM sensors
- Configure RDM notifications
- Use the RDM sheet
- Unmatch RDM devices
- Splitters and mergers that support RDM
- Turn RDM off
- RDM specific keywords
- DMX Profiles
- Other System Tools
- Message center
- Help
- Clock
- Sound input window
- VPU pixel mapper view
- Network dimmer
- Views
- Errors
- Readout
- Edit properties of a rack
- Edit a module
- Desk status
- Performance window
- System monitor
- Export and Import
- Export by using command line
- Export by using user interface
- Import by using command line
- Import by using user interface
- Import predefined objects
- Update the Software
- Update via setup
- Format a USB stick for Linux
- Update or factory reset via boot menu
- Restart from Linux
- Advanced Fixture Types
- Anatomy of a fixture type
- Module manager
- Instance manager
- Wheel manager
- Attribute & Encoder Grouping
- Anatomy of a fixture type
- grandMA2 onPC Details
- Control the MA NDPs
- Add the MA NDPs
- Configure the MA NDPs
- Delete the MA NDPs
- Control the MA Network Switch
- Add MA Network Switch
- Change IP address
- Enable DHCP client
- Change hostname
- Change switch ID
- Configure ports
- Edit groups
- Edit presets
- Edit LAGs
- Mirror ports
- Work with the switch configuration
- Change password
- Update firmware
- Reset to factory defaults
- Delete MA Network Switch
- Control the MA xPort Nodes
- Add the MA xPort Nodes
- Configure the MA xPort Nodes in the console
- Configure the MA xPort Nodes in a browser
- Configure the MA xPort Nodes as splitters or mergers
- Delete the MA xPort Nodes
- Console Settings
- Adjust the intensity of desk lights
- Change screen options
- Local settings
- Wing & monitor setup
- Date & time
- Shut Down the System
- Error Messages
- Technical Data
- Glossary
- Introduction
- grandMA2 Quick Start Guide
- MA 3D
- Release Notes
New help version
The help version you selected belongs to an older software version. You may want to view the latest help version.
Chaser settings
Table of contents of this topic
The Chaser Encoder Toolbar
The Chaser Encoder Toolbar is useful to edit the chaser. To open the toolbar, press Edit and one of the keys associated with the executor.
There are several options to set up and play back the chaser, in the cyan Chaser Encoder Toolbar.

The Edit chaser key
Tap the Edit Chaser key. This opens an Edit Chaser Window.

To name the chaser tap Label.
To manages the direction of the chaser, tap Direction. The default direction is Forward. This key opens the pop-up Select Chaser Run Mode with four different directions.

- Forward and Backward runs the Chaser in the given direction.
- Bounce runs through the steps to the end and then backwards to the first step. It continues to bounce between the first and the last step.
- Random runs the steps in a random pattern.
Tap Loop Endless and the pop-up Loop Options opens, with three different Loop options:

- Endless keeps the chaser running until it receives new information.
- Shoot-Off runs the steps once, then turns off the chaser.
- Shoot-On runs the steps once, and leaves the chaser in the last step.
Edit Current, Edit Previous and Edit Next buttons edits cues. For more information, see the topic Looking at the cue sequence.
Set the Speed of the Chaser with Speed Individual. This opens the Select Speed Group Pop-up.

- Individual speed lets the chaser run with the speed set by the Speed Encoder
- Speed 1 through Speed 15 limits the speed of the chaser by a Speed Master. This is useful to keep the chaser in sync with other chasers and effects. For more information, see Assign a Function.
- The BPM option measures the Beat from the Audio In signal. For more information, see Sound In.
To enable or disable the CMD field in the Chasers Executor sheet, tap the Cmd Disable button. If the CMD is disabled, the CMD Disable turns cyan and all the Commands in the CMD row of the Executor sheet are displayed in red.
There is also the opportunity to test the command in the CMD field. If a current step is present and a command is entered in the CMD field, tap Test Cmd to test the function.
Sometimes the chaser has to keep the beat but double or half the speed.
- To half of the current value, tap Half Speed.
- To double the current value tap Double Speed.
- Speed 1:1 resets the speed to the value set by the Speed Encoder, the Speed Master or the Audio In, depending on the selected Speed Group.
Another option is to tap Speed. This opens the pop-up Select Speed Factor. This is useful to multiply or divide the speed by 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 of the selected Speed Group.
To exit the Edit Chaser window tap
The Playback Buttons
The buttons to start, stop and pause the chaser:
- To start the chaser, tap
. This starts the chaser from the first cue to the last, and then loop to the first again.
- To start the chaser, running from the last cue to the first, and then loop to the last again, tap
- To stop the chaser, tap
- To pause the chaser in the current step, and keep the actual output, tap
. Tap the
to start the chaser again, from the current step.
- To stop the chaser and step thru the steps one by one, tap
The Encoders
The four encoders have 6 different functions. The four basic functions are available when the button shows Basic 1 of 2. By tapping the button again, it will change to Advanced 2 of 2.
Basic buttons starting from left:
- The first encoder is a Master. This master controls the intensity of the chase measured in percent.
- The second encoder is the Speed, default displayed in BPM (beats per minute). This will affect the time between the cues in the chaser. So if the speed is set to 60 BPM, the cues change every 1 second. The speed readout can be changed in Setup->User->Settings.
- The third encoder is the Step fade measured in percent. This encoder is used to set the fade time between the steps. If the percent is 0, the chaser snaps between the steps. If it is set to 100 % it uses the time restricted by the speed encoder. If the percent is over 100, the chaser will start fading down, before the step is at full. The in-fade and the out-fade percent, can be adjusted individually. Read more below.
- The fourth encoder is called Master Fade and manage the in-fade and the out-fade time of the chaser. The time is measured in seconds.
To enable two more options, tap the Basic 1 of 2 key. The key changes to Advanced 2 of 2.
The two encoders, starting from left:
- On the first encoder, the In-fade of the steps is set. If the percent is 0, the chaser snaps between the steps, and if it is set to 100 % it will use the time restricted by the speed encoder. If the percent is over 100, the chaser will start fading down, before the step is at full.
- On the second encoder, the Out-fade of the steps is set. If the percent is 0, the chaser will snap the steps to zero, and if it is set to 100 % it will use the time restricted by the speed encoder.