• MA Fixture Builder
  • MA Fixture Share
  • MA Vectorworks Spotlight Plugin
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Export and Customizing
    • Import
    • Release Notes
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Version 1.9

Export and Customizing

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After creating the scene and fixtures, it is possible to export the fixtures using the MA Vectorworks Spotlight Plugin. 

The fixtures have to be Spotlight Lighting Instruments.
  • Use the Spotlight Insertion Tool for the symbols


  • Convert the fixtures in Spotlight – Object Conversion – Convert to Instrument.
The conversion works with symbols in the Top/Plan view only. 

Customize the Export 

1.To customize the export, click Menu.

2. The editor Export MA Fixtures opens.

Customize export in the editor Export MA Fixtures v2.5


The MA Vectorworks Spotlight Plugin creates individual MA Fixture Layers depending on the property. Fixtures with the same property are grouped in the same MA Layer. These layers are named after the value of the property. 

3. To create layers from different properties, click one of the options in Create MA Layers from:

  • Fixture Type:
    Create layers depending on the fixture types.
  • Class:
    Create layers depending on the class.
  • Layer: 
    Create layers depending on the layers. 
  • Position: 
    Create layers depending on the position.
  • All in Single Layer:
    Create a single layer for all fixtures exported. Use this option to merge an additional layer in an already existing show file. 

4. To select fields, click the drop-downs in Field Selection:

  • DMX Address Field: 
    Assign the field in which the DMX address was entered.
-Enter the DMX universe in the field Universe.
-The universe has to have a valid number. Using letters for the enumeration of universes is not supported. 
-It is possible to enter the universe directly in the address field.
Example: To enter universe 2 and start channel 97, type 2,97, or 2/97, or 2.97.
  • Fixture ID Field:
    Assign the field where the fixture ID was entered.
  • Channel ID:
    Assign the field where the channel ID was entered. 
  • Fixture Name:
    Assign the filed where the name of the fixture was entered. 
  • Fixture Info:
    Assign the field where the info of the fixture was entered.

5. To specify each fixture type, use these options in Fixture Types:

  • Export?:
    To add the fixture to the export, check the box. 
  • RotOffsetX:
    To align the x-axis of the fixture in MA 3D, enter the rotation values of the x-axis.
  • RotOffsetY:
    ​To align the y-axis of the fixture in the MA 3D, enter the rotation values of the y-axis.
  • RotOffsetZ:
    ​To align the z-axis of the fixture in the MA 3D, enter the rotation values of the z-axis. 
  • Use Focus:
    To rotate the fixtures about a focus, check the box. 
  • MA Fixture Type No:
    To map fixtures to the correct MA fixture type, enter the ID of the fixture type used in the grandMA2 setup.
If you use the default value of 2, the fixture is mapped to a generic dimmer. To keep the patch address, add the fixture type in the Patch & Fixture Schedule of grandMA2. 
  • ​​Multi Break Source:
    If the fixture type is a multi break fixtures (for example dimmer with a  scroller) define which field of the MA Vectorworks Spotlight Plugin contains the second DMX start address.  

6. To save the settings made, click Save.

  • The Save dialog opens.

7. To load the settings that were saved, click Load.

  • The Open File dialog opens.

8. To export points of the focus as xyz position presets to grandMA2, click Export XYZ Presets...

For the fixtures to use position presets, activate XYZ in grandMA2

9. To export the fixtures, click Export.

  • To determine the save location and the name of the xml file, the Save File dialog opens.

The file is exported. 


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