- grandMA2 User Manual
- New in the Manual
- Introduction
- About this manual
- System requirements grandMA2 onPC
- Installation of grandMA2 onPC
- Help from MA technical support
- Safety Information
- Symbols used
- Intended use
- Dangers caused by electric current
- General safety instructions
- Device Overview
- grandMA2 console
- grandMA2 replay unit (RPU)
- grandMA2 fader wing
- MA onPC command wing
- MA onPC fader wing
- System Overview
- Standalone systems
- Network systems
- What is the replay unit (RPU)
- What is the network processing unit (NPU)
- What is the MA video processing unit (VPU)
- What is the network dimmer processor (NDP)
- What is MA 3D
- What are the MA nodes
- Parameters vs. DMX channels
- Parameter expansion
- Big systems
- Media systems and CITP
- First Steps
- Unpack the device
- Check scope of delivery
- Position the device
- Connect power
- Connect desk lamps
- Connect external screens
- Connect USB mouse and USB keyboad
- Connect DMX
- Connect sound
- Connect SMPTE (LTC)
- Connect Ethernet
- Connect analog remote control
- Connect grandMA2 fader wing
- Setup your PC
- Turn on the console the first time
- Keys & Buttons on the Console
- Key overview
- >>> [GoFastForward]
- <<< [GoFastBack]
- . [Dot]
- Align
- Assign
- At
- Backg [Background]
- Backup
- Blind
- Bt Pg +
- Bt Pg -
- B.O. [Blackout]
- Channel
- Ch Pg +
- Ch Pg -
- Clear
- Copy
- Cue
- Del [Delete]
- Down
- Edit
- Effect
- [Encoder]
- Esc
- Exec [Executor]
- Executor Buttons
- Fd Pg +
- Fd Pg -
- Fix
- Fixture
- Freeze
- Full
- Go + [small]
- Go + [large]
- Go - [small]
- Go - [large]
- Goto
- Group
- Help
- Highlt [Highlight]
- If
- Keyboard
- Learn
- List
- MA
- Macro
- [Minus] -
- Mouse
- Move
- Next
- [Numeric]
- Off
- On
- Oops
- Page
- Pause [small]
- Pause [large]
- Please
- [Plus] +
- Preset
- Prev [Previous]
- Prvw [Preview]
- Select
- Sequ [Sequence]
- Set
- Setup
- Solo
- Store
- Temp
- Thru
- Time
- Top
- Tools
- Up
- Update
- User 1
- User 2
- View
- U1 - U4
- V1 - V10
- X1 - X20
- Workspace
- User interface
- Screen layout
- User-defined area
- Command line
- X-Key labels
- View buttons
- Master section
- Time control
- Encoder bar
- Preset control bar
- Encoder toolbar
- Encoder settings
- Command wing bar
- Command section
- Mini executor bar
- Work with views
- Touch gestures
- Calculator
- Info
- Oops and undo
- Colors
- System
- Marker
- Cue
- Text indicators and symbols
- Icons
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Turn on or turn off the keyboard shortcuts
- Edit keyboard shortcuts
- Add or delete keyboard shortcuts
- Export or import keyboard shortcuts
- User interface
- Windows in General
- Create and manage basic windows
- Clear the screen or delete windows
- Command Syntax and Keywords
- General syntax rules
- Helping keywords
- Object keywords
- Function keywords
- All keywords
- Special characters
- <<< [GoFastBack]
- >>> [GoFastForward]
- - [Minus]
- + [Plus]
- AddUserVar
- AddVar
- Agenda
- Alert
- Align
- AlignFaderModules
- All
- AllButtonExecutors
- AllChaseExecutors
- AllFaderExecutors
- AllRows
- AllSequExecutors
- And
- Appearance
- Asterisk *
- Assign
- At
- At @
- Attribute
- AutoCreate
- Backup
- Black
- Blackout
- BlackScreen
- Blind
- BlindEdit
- Block
- ButtonPage
- Call
- Camera
- ChangeDest
- Channel
- ChannelFader
- ChannelLink
- ChannelPage
- Chat
- CircularCopy
- Clear
- ClearActive
- ClearAll
- ClearSelection
- Clone
- CmdDelay
- CmdHelp
- Copy
- CrashLogCopy
- CrashLogDelete
- CrashLogList
- Crossfade
- CrossfadeA
- CrossfadeB
- Cue
- Cut
- Default
- DefGoBack
- DefGoForward
- DefGoPause
- Delay
- Delete
- DeleteShow
- DisconnectStation
- Dmx
- Dollar $
- DmxUniverse
- Dot .
- DoubleRate
- DoubleSpeed
- Down
- DropControl
- Edit
- Effect
- EffectAttack
- EffectBPM
- EffectDecay
- EffectDelay
- EffectFade
- EffectForm
- EffectHigh
- EffectHZ
- EffectID
- EffectLow
- EffectPhase
- EffectSec
- EffectSpeedGroup
- EffectWidth
- Empty
- EndIf
- EndSession
- Escape
- ExecButton1
- ExecButton2
- ExecButton3
- Executor
- Exit
- Export
- Extract
- Fade
- FadePath
- Fader
- FaderPage
- Feature
- Filter
- Fix
- Fixture
- FixtureType
- Flash
- FlashGo
- FlashOn
- Flip
- Form
- Freeze
- Full
- FullHighlight
- Gel
- Go
- GoBack
- Goto
- Group
- HalfRate
- HalfSpeed
- Help
- Highlight
- IdentifyFaderModule
- If
- IfActive
- IfOutput
- IfProg
- Image
- Import
- Info
- Insert
- Interleave
- Invert
- InviteStation
- Item3D
- JoinSession
- Kill
- Label
- Layer
- Layout
- Learn
- LeaveSession
- List
- ListEffectLibrary
- ListFaderModules
- ListLibrary
- ListMacroLibrary
- ListOops
- ListOwner
- ListPluginLibrary
- ListShows
- ListUpdate
- ListUserVar
- ListVar
- Load
- LoadNext
- LoadPrev
- LoadShow
- Locate
- Lock
- Login
- Logout
- Lua
- Macro
- ManualXFade
- Mask
- Master
- MasterFade
- MAtricks
- MAtricksBlocks
- MAtricksFilter
- MAtricksGroups
- MAtricksInterleave
- MAtricksReset
- MAtricksWings
- MediaServer
- Menu
- Message
- Messages
- MidiControl
- MidiNote
- MidiProgram
- Model
- Move
- Move3D
- NetworkInfo
- NetworkNodeInfo
- NetworkNodeUpdate
- NetworkSpeedTest
- NewShow
- Next
- NextRow
- Normal
- Off
- On
- Oops
- Or
- OutDelay
- OutFade
- Page
- Parentheses ( )
- Park
- Part
- Paste
- Pause
- Plugin
- PMArea
- Preset
- PresetType
- Preview
- PreviewEdit
- PreviewExecutor
- Previous
- PrevRow
- Profile
- Protocol
- PSRList
- PSRPrepare
- Quotation marks " "
- Rate
- Rate1
- RdmAutomatch
- RdmAutopatch
- RdmFixtureType
- RdmInfo
- RdmList
- RdmSetParameter
- RdmSetpatch
- RdmUnmatch
- Reboot
- Record
- Release
- ReloadPlugins
- Remote
- RemoteCommand
- Remove
- RemoveIndividuals
- Replace
- ResetDmxSelection
- ResetGuid
- Restart
- Root
- Rotate3D
- SaveShow
- Screen
- Search
- SearchResult
- Select
- SelectDrive
- Selection
- SelFix
- Semicolon ;
- Sequence
- SetHostname
- SetIP
- SetNetworkSpeed
- Setup
- SetUserVar
- SetVar
- ShuffleSelection
- ShuffleValues
- Shutdown
- SnapPercent
- Slash /
- Solo
- SpecialMaster
- Square brackets [ ]
- Speed
- StepFade
- StepInFade
- StepOutFade
- Stomp
- Store
- StoreLook
- Surface
- Swop
- SwopGo
- SwopOn
- SyncEffects
- TakeControl
- Telnet
- Temp
- TempFader
- Thru
- Timecode
- TimecodeSlot
- Timer
- ToFull
- Toggle
- Tools
- Top
- ToZero
- Unblock
- Unlock
- Unpark
- Up
- Update
- UpdateFirmware
- UpdateSoftware
- UpdateThumbnails
- User
- UserProfile
- Value
- Version
- View
- ViewButton
- ViewPage
- WebRemoteProgOnly
- With
- World
- Zero
- Work with lists
- Object list
- Selection list
- Executor list
- Attribute list
- Station list
- General syntax rules
- Using the Backup Menu
- New show
- Load show
- Save show
- Save show as...
- Delete shows
- Using a USB stick
- Setting up a file server
- Partial show read
- ASCII show read
- grandMA2 to grandMA3 show file converter
- Single User and Multi User Systems
- The difference between a single user and a multi user system
- Create user profiles and users
- User settings
- Login
- Networking
- What is networking
- Set the IP address in the console
- Set the IP address in the onPC
- Using DHCP in MA devices
- Session control
- How to create a session
- Protecting the session and station
- Adding devices to the session
- How to end or leave a session
- Session collision
- Getting DMX in and out of the system
- Setting up DMX ports on MA devices
- Network DMX protocols
- What affects my DMX output?
- Using CITP
- Streaming CITP
- Thumbnail exchange
- PosiStageNet (PSN)
- FTP connection to console and NPU
- Patching, DMX, and Fixture Setup
- What are channels & fixtures
- Attributes
- DMX break
- What is 3D and stage setup
- Adding fixtures to the show
- Delete fixtures from the show
- Working with layers
- Multipatching
- Live patching
- DMX sheet
- DMX testing
- DMX and parameter lists
- Universe pool
- Stage view
- Virtual 3D cameras
- Position fixtures in the 3D stage
- Auto calibrate fixture positions
- What are channels & fixtures
- Basic Fixture Types
- What are attributes, features & preset types
- ColorMix vs. MixColor
- Different fixture types
- Conventional
- Mirror
- Moving lights
- Media server
- Virtual fixtures
- Operate Fixtures
- Channel sheet
- Fixture sheet
- Sheet options
- Tools
- Layer mask
- Display
- Title buttons
- Assign executor
- Mask (local)
- Layers in sheets
- Channel sheet and fixture sheet
- Sequence content and sequence tracking sheet
- What is the programmer
- Encoder grouping
- Using the color picker
- Using the shaper dialog
- Using the smart view
- Edit a channel or fixture
- Pools in General
- Manage pool objects
- Adjust pool options
- Call modes
- Groups
- Create groups
- Auto create groups
- Using groups when programming
- Choose copy method
- Change specific group colors
- Group masters
- Presets
- What are special modes
- Preset pools
- Preset pool "Dynamic"
- Create presets
- Preset pool options
- Create preset reference
- Auto create presets
- Auto create additional presets
- Embedded presets
- Edit presets
- Update presets
- Delete presets
- Cues and Sequences
- What are cues and sequences
- Looking at the cue sequence
- Store cues
- Store options and defaults
- Cue timings
- Renumber cues
- Delete cues
- Playing back cues
- Looking at the cue content
- Update cues
- What is tracking
- What is MIB
- Sequence mini executor
- Commands in cues
- Executors
- What are executors
- Executors on the screens
- Assign a function
- Looking at the active executors
- Common executor options
- Advanced Sequence Functionality
- Using different view sets in the sheets
- Working with MIB
- Using cue modes
- Cue zero
- Sequence info window
- Looping cues
- Cue path
- Advanced Executor Functionality
- Executor pages
- Channel pages
- Executor options
- Masters window
- Special masters
- Default masters
- Grand masters
- Speed masters
- Rate masters
- Playback masters
- Clone
- Clone in user interface
- Examples
- Clone presets
- Search and Replace
- Search
- Replace
- Image Pool
- Import images and videos
- Image limitations & guidelines for symbols
- Supported file formats
- Delete images and videos
- Layouts
- Create a layout
- Layout pool options
- Edit layout
- Layout view options
- Worlds, Filters and Masks
- What are worlds
- Create worlds
- Auto create worlds
- Use worlds when programming
- What are filters
- Create filters
- Use filters when programming
- Use temporary filters
- What are masks
- Create masks
- Use masks in the sheets
- Apply worlds or filters to executors and sequences
- MAtricks
- MAtricks toolbar
- MAtricks pool
- MAtricks interleave
- MAtricks blocks
- MAtricks wings
- MAtricks groups
- Chasers
- Create a chaser
- Chaser settings
- Chaser mini executor
- Effects
- Use predefined effects
- Use template and selective effects
- Create an effect in the programmer
- Create an effect that uses presets
- Create effect forms
- Pool options
- Effects in a cue
- Assign effect to executor
- Live edit an effect
- Running effects
- Update effects
- Delete effects
- Bitmap Fixture
- Import bitmap fixture
- Apply bitmap fixture in the layout
- Control bitmap fixture
- Edit bitmap fixture
- Example
- Priorities for bitmap effects
- Disable bitmap for fixtures
- XYZ vs. pan/tilt
- XYZ and pan/tilt in cues and sequences
- Use stage markers
- Link objects to stage markers in MA 3D
- Remote Controlling the System
- Remote input
- MIDI show control (MSC)
- Web remote
- Telnet remote
- Decimal – hex table
- Timecode
- What is timecode and timecode shows
- Record a timecode show
- Edit a timecode show
- Playing back a timecode show
- Organize the show with multiple timecode shows
- Timer
- Timer pool
- Timer pool options
- Agenda
- What is agenda
- Create an appointment in the agenda
- Macros
- What are macros
- Manually create a macro
- Use variables
- Create pop-ups
- Conditional expressions
- Macro timing
- Record a macro
- Edit a macro
- Command line interaction
- Assign a macro to a key
- Example macros
- Plugins
- What is Lua
- Edit plugins
- Partial Show Read
- What is partial show read (PSR)
- How to do a PSR
- Turn RDM on
- Match RDM devices
- Auto patch RDM devices
- Work with RDM parameters
- Work with RDM sensors
- Configure RDM notifications
- Use the RDM sheet
- Unmatch RDM devices
- Splitters and mergers that support RDM
- Turn RDM off
- RDM specific keywords
- DMX Profiles
- Other System Tools
- Message center
- Help
- Clock
- Sound input window
- VPU pixel mapper view
- Network dimmer
- Views
- Errors
- Readout
- Edit properties of a rack
- Edit a module
- Desk status
- Performance window
- System monitor
- Export and Import
- Export by using command line
- Export by using user interface
- Import by using command line
- Import by using user interface
- Import predefined objects
- Update the Software
- Update via setup
- Format a USB stick for Linux
- Update or factory reset via boot menu
- Restart from Linux
- Advanced Fixture Types
- Anatomy of a fixture type
- Module manager
- Instance manager
- Wheel manager
- Attribute & Encoder Grouping
- Anatomy of a fixture type
- grandMA2 onPC Details
- Control the MA NDPs
- Add the MA NDPs
- Configure the MA NDPs
- Delete the MA NDPs
- Control the MA Network Switch
- Add MA Network Switch
- Change IP address
- Enable DHCP client
- Change hostname
- Change switch ID
- Configure ports
- Edit groups
- Edit presets
- Edit LAGs
- Mirror ports
- Work with the switch configuration
- Disable SNMP
- Change password
- Update firmware
- Reset to factory defaults
- Delete MA Network Switch
- Control the MA xPort Nodes
- Add the MA xPort Nodes
- Configure the MA xPort Nodes in the console
- Configure the MA xPort Nodes in a browser
- Configure the MA xPort Nodes as splitters or mergers
- Delete the MA xPort Nodes
- Console Settings
- Adjust the intensity of desk lights
- Change screen options
- Local settings
- Wing & monitor setup
- Date & Time
- Shut Down the System
- Error Messages
- Technical Data
- Glossary
- grandMA3 Mode2
- grandMA2 Quick Start Guide
- grandMA2 Quick Manual onPC solutions
- MA 3D
- Release Notes
Version 3.9
The chapter workspace deals in general with:
- Non-modifiable elements of visual display such as:
-The executor bar
The executor bar cannot be resized, hidden or moved.
The executor bar cannot be resized, hidden or moved.
- Modifiable elements of visual display such as:
Windows and views can be resized and moved.
Windows and views can be resized and moved.
- Coloring in user interface
- Input modes such as:
-Touch gestures
-Keyboard shortcuts